
Before the advent of science, Nature took care of everything. Certainly of population.
Science was a big mistake. Knowledge is power, and human nature was such as to make the abuse of power a given.

We abuse power by cooking. Presto, we create the world of a sick species, physically and mentally.
We abuse power by feeding the starving, causing population increase instead of population reduction.
We indulge in the hormonal self-satisfaction called Compassion, and refrain from culling the human race as we would cull elephants for their own good.

We think ourselves clever in eradicating malaria, aids and other salutary mechanisms by which nature curbs population. All in the indulgence of "compassion".

Science is leading us (because for sure we are going to abuse it) to irradiation and destruction of vital foods, despoilment of foods through genetic engineering, and overpopulation through the counterproductive results of medical advances, all aimed at preserving life, whereas we need agents for the destruction of life.

Science has also rendered war obsolete, as nobody can afford a war really extensive enough to cull population.

Science also tempts us to increase population by its promise that it can increase productivity. But all scientific techniques are against nature and impoverish the quality of life.

Birth control is another concession to "compassion". We find it more compassionate to destroy the embryo than the baby, and the potentially alive egg by denying it a mate... this process is actually more harmful to the psyche of a woman than is warranted. "Birth control" should be effected by nature, not by scientific intervention, and can only be so effected if we return power to nature, undo our scientific interventions in ALL areas.

Do I think we have a hope in hell of doing that? Frankly, no. Writing this is just to show you that you are not the only one who sees all this. If you don't see it, then it is just a waste of my time and yours.

As Adolf Just said, "Return to Nature!"